About the Course

Welcome to the Otter Dance School of Earth Medicine, a place where ancient traditions merge harmoniously with the demands of modern life. Our mission is to educate, inform, and empower individuals, fostering a deep connection with ancient wisdom and ensuring its seamless integration into contemporary daily practice.

At the Otter Dance School of Earth Medicine, we serve as a bridge between the ancestral teachings and the complexities of today's world. In our shamanic courses, we provide a nurturing environment for exploration and personal growth, acknowledging that each of us brings unique life experiences to this transformative journey.  We believe in supported autonomy for each individual who embarks on this exploration of learning and discovery.

Shamanism, an ancient tradition, and way of life practiced across diverse cultures worldwide, serves as the cornerstone of our teachings. Central to shamanic philosophy is the profound connection between humanity, the Spirit World, and the Natural World, with an unwavering commitment to the well-being of all beings.

Our shamanic curriculum delves into essential elements such as journeying, ceremonial rituals, and practices to support growth and depth of connection to the Spirits. These techniques envelop participants in the community of the shamanic circle, uniting our process with strength, healing, and connection.

The structure of this course will be deliberately immersive, with a focus on exploring shamanic practices on a deeply personal level. The study consists not only of teaching the individual practices of shamanic healing, but also of learning how to connect with the healings, integrate them into our personal practice, and feel our way into a deeper understanding of the nature of this path of service.

If you are ready to take a deep dive into the teachings and mysteries of Shamanism, then the Shamanic Arts Immersion will take you on a path of exploration and self-connection.

We will explore the depth of shamanism and the path of being in service to all of creation.  The shaman is not a title you carry, but rather a way of life to be in service.

Students will learn to create their own relationship with the Spirits and to step into creating Ceremony. Students will be given the tools and practices to create a personal connection to each teaching, and throughout the course, there will be individual work to deepen this understanding between sessions.

If it is time for you to step onto this Path, this teaching will help you open your heart and see the deep knowing within your DNA.  This course will challenge you to bring forward the authentic and tangible truth that is within you.  It will also empower you to remember your connection to all that is Sacred, to all our relations, and to Mother Earth.

In addition to the online curriculum...

Students can also take advantage of these added benefits:

  • Three private (one per quarter) sessions with Brandy to help sharpen your focus

  • Ongoing daily access to your teachers/mentors and the members of the clan for continuing support, guidance, and community through a private group on WhatsApp

  • Access to all recorded teaching sessions

The 2024 teaching schedule is:

June 22-23 (11 am EST-3:00 pm EST) 4 hours per day

July 18  (6:30 pm EST-8:30 pm EST 2 hours per day

August 17-18 (11 am EST-3:00 pm EST) 4 hours per day

September 12 (6:30 pm EST-8:30 pm EST 2 hours per day

Oct 17 (6:30 pm EST-8:30 pm EST) 2 hours per day

Nov 16-17 (11 am EST-3:00 pm EST) 4 hours per day

December 12 (6:30 pm EST-8:30 pm EST) 2 hours per day

January 25-26 (11 am EST-3:00 pm EST) 4 hours per day

The Curriculum for the Shamanic Arts Online Course:

Practical Shamanism

  • Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism
  • Animism and Relationships
  • Understanding the Medicine Wheel (Foundation of all teachings)
  • Becoming the Hollow Bone (support for Empaths)
  • Creating and Understanding a Working Altar
  • Traditional Shamanic Journeying
  • The Foundations of Plant Spirit Medicine
  • The Foundations of Animal Spirit Medicine
  • Meeting & Communicating with the Spirit Guides
  • Chanting, Medicine songs, and using the voice for healing
  • Understanding and Working with the Medicine Songs
  • Clear and Deep Relationship with Your Spirit Guides

Healing Tools

  • Sound and Vibrational Healing Work
  • Working with Elements in Ceremony
  • Calling in your Medicine Song
  • Understanding regalia
  • Understanding Divination
  • Understanding and working with Sacred Tools
  • Creating Ceremonial Space
  • Energetic Clearing and Protection for Self

Shamanic Healing

  • House/Land Clearing and blessing
  • Epigenetics and Ancestral Healing Ceremony
  • Working with the Ancestors
  • Calling in your Spirit Healing Team
  • Understanding the connection between Emotional and Physical
  • Understanding Soul Loss and Power Loss

Shamanic Immersion

  • Rites of Passage
  • Working with Earth Medicine Grids
  • Psychopomp Work
  • Understanding Death
  • Understanding Shamanic Death
  • Elder’s Circle for Guidance

Tuition for the Course and What it Includes:

For this course, including a downloadable workbook, the tuition is $2600.  After the non-refundable deposit of $1315 is paid the balance will be invoiced in 3 monthly payments of $428.34 (May, June, July).

Click Here to Apply for the Online Shamanic Arts Immersion

Course curriculum

    1. About Online Shamanic Arts Immersion Course

    2. Welcome to your Student Resource Page

    1. Course Schedule

    2. Student Mentorship Sessions

    1. Online Shamanic Arts Workbook

    2. Journey Journal

    1. Part 1: Practical Shamanism

    2. Part 2: Healing Tools

    3. Part 3: Shamanic Healing

    4. Part 4: Shamanic Immersion

    1. Monthly Zoom Call Information and Links

    1. Monthly Shamanic Guidance Circle Videos

    2. Introduction to Journeying

    3. Shamanic Journey Drumming

    4. Forgiveness

    5. Manifestation

    6. Relationship with Fear

    7. Reclaiming Parts of Yourself

    8. Exploring our Relationships with Emotions

    9. Embracing your Personal Power

    10. Balancing the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine

    11. Using the Full Moon of Leo to Assist Us

About this course

  • $2,600.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 16 hours of video content

Explore the depths of Shamanic Practices

And the path of being in service to all creation