Living a Life of Intention is Challenging these Days.

We are often lost in our phones, to-do lists, and so many other distractions. We rarely have the focus to be able to create deeper connections to our daily life. Living a Life of Intention will help you realign to the things that are most important in your life.

In this 12-module online course, Robbie will share stories and teachings to expand your self-awareness and your connection to the world.   You will explore your intentional life through soul assignments that may challenge you to stretch beyond your everyday experience. You will find a sense of curiosity and fulfillment with your life and the choices you create. 

Each module is designed to open your heart and mind to the possibilities that surround you. There will be soul assignments for you to do that will ask you to break free of your barriers and limitations. 

When put into practice each lessons, these soul assignments will build on each other and you will find yourself with new and powerful habits for setting the intention of living your most beautiful life.

This is an Essential online course designed for everybody.

Course curriculum

    1. Let's Live a Life of Intention

    2. Welcome

    1. Sacredness of your Life

    2. Life as Ceremony

    3. Soul Assignments

    1. Your Interactions with Others

    2. All My Relations

    3. Soul Assignments

    1. Diving into our Emotions

    2. Becoming the Hollow Bone

    3. Soul Assignments

    1. Gratitude can change your life view

    2. Gratitude

    3. Soul Assignments

    1. Setting Boundaries

    2. Creating Personal Space

    3. Soul Assignments

About this course

  • $68.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today